I have always been an avid reader - I found a love of books from my days lost in the local library and had an adult library card from the age of 9 (which allowed me to get out more books than I could carry!) This took me along the career path of becoming an English teacher and I have had an extremely happy career sharing my love of language , novels and drama with young and old alike.
I have had an absolute fascination with space since I watched the first Star Trek series ( on a grainy black and white telly- that my mum was rightly very proud of!)
I am happily married and blessed with three - yes, three-wonderful daughters. They are my greatest supporters but also my harshest critics - they are the real life inspiration for my main character in the Urban Witch series: Bronte Fellows .Thank you girls
My other greatest loves/challenges are my two pets, a rescue cat called Freddy and a rescue dog called Duke. They are the same size as each other - think fat cat and skinny dog -and give me hours of pleasure. Keep an eye out in my newsletters for updates on how they help me write!